The word Islam also mean "entering into Salam". Salam signifies "peace" This word is used in the Qur'an in the sense of "peace". The name of ALLAH's Deen as presented in the Qur'an is "Islam" and the name given to the people who follow Islam is "Muslim".

Women in Islam

The Muslim women lead a chaste, virtuous , exalting and respectable life rather than of dissatisfaction and discontentment. Islam has afforded her the happy home and peaceful life. They are free from worry and competition with men in the field and securing employment,in the factories and business centres. Thus They enjoy reverence and genuine domestic peace.

Concept of democracy in Islam

The entire creation obeys the laws of Allah,hence the whole universe, literally, follows the religion of "ISLAM". It is due to this fact that Islam signifies nothing but obedience and submission to Allah, the Rabb of the Universe. The sun the heat , stones trees, ocean, mountains animals, birds, insects etc., are all thus "Muslim because they obey Allah by their obedience to His laws.

Social System of Islam

Generally Islam demands a society which is universal, pure of artificial controversies, devoid of prejudices sans cast, creed, colour, land and language, boundary-less at par, collectively justified, having global brotherhood, unique thinking same moral grounds, law abiding people, mutual sympathy, humanity and emotions for helping others with one's wealth and health.

What is The Islam and Emaan (Faith)?

Every Learned Person Knows that all the religions have condemned immorality and have laid great stress on chastity. Islam, being the Divine Religion, has laid immense emphasis upon purity, modesty and morality.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)


Allah created mankind and gave them social order as contained in the only true religion of Islam.
Islam guides the whole mankind for success both in this world and the hereafter.
This has been its function from the very First Prophet (Adam) of mankind to the Last Prophet (Muhammad) of mankind.

The sphere of Islam apart from seeking success in the next world, is strongly concerned with success in this very worldly life. It deals not only with the ways of devotion, with the forms of worship of Allah, with the means which make man attain communion with Allah, but also, and in greater detail, with the problems of the world around man questions of relations of marriage and divorce, inheritance of property and the divisions of wealth, payment of Zakat among poor, the relations between labour and capital, the administration of justice, military organisation, peace and war, national finance, debts and contracts, rules for the support of the poor, the orphan and the widow, and countless other questions, the understanding of which enables man to lead to happy life. It lays down rules not only for individual progress but also for the advancement of society as a whole, of the nation and even of the whole human race.

Islam mainly prepares man for the hereafter, but only through making him capable of holding his own in this very world. Islam enjoins man's complete submission and obedience to Allah.....not only in belief and mode of Worship, but in ethics and morality, in culture and social behaviour, in politics and laws, in economic and social set up, and in all the individual, national and international affairs of man alike.

Islam is a comprehensive concept of life. It establishes firm relations between man and man and between man and Allah. It regulates both right though and right action that brings forth success both in this temporary world and the next everlasting world. A righteous man seeks success in both worlds in these  worlds in these words (Al-Qur'an 2:200): 
"Our Rabb! grant us good in this very world as well as good in the world to come, and protect us from the torment of Fire."

Sahih Bukhari (Arabic with English)

Sahih Bukhari (Arabic with English)

Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh).

Bukhari (full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin al-Mughira al-Ja'fai) was born in 194 A.H. and died in 256 A.H. His collection of hadeeth is considered second to none. He spent sixteen years compiling it, and ended up with 2,602 hadeeth (9,082 with repetition). His criteria for acceptance into the collection were amongst the most stringent of all the scholars of ahadeeth.
Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has several books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth are numbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve to group Ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose the numbering.

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Seerat-e-Halbia (Urdu)

Seerat-e-Halbia  سیرت حلبیۃ

This is a comprehensive and authoritative Book in Seerat e Nabvi. I had read this book when I was a Little boy, I was lover of Biography of our Prophet. I had read about a 50 books on This Topic.
This Book was my most favourite Book. Its called The mother of all Biographic Books which written on The Biography of our Prophet.
This Book has many parts You can read it Completely online as you can download.

Seerat halbia

For Reading Online.

For Download Completely.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The way of life (specially for youth)

The way of succeeding in this world

Majority of people do not consider Islam as a way of life, but treat it like a "religion", and that is why instead of teaching Islam as a way of life, we are still teaching Islam as "Islamiyat". Instead of Islamization  of modern knowledge many of the scholars of the past and even present continued teaching it as "Islamiyat". Due to this fact, slowly and gradually Islam got pushed back from the front office to the back office and with this, Deen and Duniya became two different truths.
The generation that emerged due to this blunder forgot that the Deen came for Duniya (i.e. World). Deen is the way of life, the way of succeeding in this world, then how could it either be excluded or be separated from the world?.

Don't you hear all that slogans, that "let's keep the Islam out of politics" , or "what Islam has to do with medicine" and " at present, our challenge is to make our children successful in this world, and later on what they will have achieved it, then we will think of becoming successful for the life hereafter".
All these comments and many others are due to the very same reason that Islam was and even at present is being taught as a subject and not as a way of life. Islam is the way of life and success.

The society divided among " extremists" and "moderates". Extremists coming from seminaries without the knowledge of the modern world called the educated people materialists and denounced their worldly success as evil. To them, a true Muslim is poor, orthodox, lazy and bearded, lives on charity and shuttles between home and mosque.
To them good office clean houses, hygienic food, TV, Internet, modern books, suits are all signs of evil.

The other segment that calls itself " moderate" is the other extreme. To them, Islam is the religion of orthodox people and offering a prayer or two or reading Qur'an occasionally is good enough. To them, life is all about having fun, building houses, accumulating wealth by hook or crook and wasting  it on trifles, visiting shrines and going for pilgrimage, and once in a while arranging Qur'an recital at home. They are more into rituals than practice. They may have tremendous knowledge about the world but no knowledge about true Islam. Many of them might even not read Qur'an.

These are two Extremes; one cut off from this world and the other from the world hereafter. No sensible person will buy aither of these. Islam is all about balance. No escape, it is about living this life following the guidelines Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH hand out.
In the words of Qur'an:
 "Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced that might be witnesses over the nations (2:143)"

Muslims are a nation that in the words of Qur'an was sent to lead the world
" Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the people of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (3:110)

How can Muslim provide leadership to others if they cannot even fix their own lives? Why would this world follow Muslims, if their system, Islam, did not help them succeed? Young generation need answers to these questions.
History is witness that Islam spread throughout the world and Muslims became role models for all other civilizations by proving the superiority of their social, economic and political system. West owes to Islam and Muslims its civilization, including culture, music, geography, mathematics, physics, algebra, medicine construction, architects, literature, philosophy and engineering.

Suffice is to say, there is not a single Islamic country that can present itself as a role model for the West. Now instead of leading the world, Muslims are following others. They have lost track. With the dawn of the new century, when the modern world is talking about a New world Order, they are busy protecting and strengthening their own power bases and leaving fellow Muslims in the lurch.
Well I am sorry for this emotional speech. All I am saying is that Islam has everything to do with this modern world of ours.