Thursday 6 February 2014

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)


Allah created mankind and gave them social order as contained in the only true religion of Islam.
Islam guides the whole mankind for success both in this world and the hereafter.
This has been its function from the very First Prophet (Adam) of mankind to the Last Prophet (Muhammad) of mankind.

The sphere of Islam apart from seeking success in the next world, is strongly concerned with success in this very worldly life. It deals not only with the ways of devotion, with the forms of worship of Allah, with the means which make man attain communion with Allah, but also, and in greater detail, with the problems of the world around man questions of relations of marriage and divorce, inheritance of property and the divisions of wealth, payment of Zakat among poor, the relations between labour and capital, the administration of justice, military organisation, peace and war, national finance, debts and contracts, rules for the support of the poor, the orphan and the widow, and countless other questions, the understanding of which enables man to lead to happy life. It lays down rules not only for individual progress but also for the advancement of society as a whole, of the nation and even of the whole human race.

Islam mainly prepares man for the hereafter, but only through making him capable of holding his own in this very world. Islam enjoins man's complete submission and obedience to Allah.....not only in belief and mode of Worship, but in ethics and morality, in culture and social behaviour, in politics and laws, in economic and social set up, and in all the individual, national and international affairs of man alike.

Islam is a comprehensive concept of life. It establishes firm relations between man and man and between man and Allah. It regulates both right though and right action that brings forth success both in this temporary world and the next everlasting world. A righteous man seeks success in both worlds in these  worlds in these words (Al-Qur'an 2:200): 
"Our Rabb! grant us good in this very world as well as good in the world to come, and protect us from the torment of Fire."


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