Thursday, 16 January 2014

Concept of democracy in Islam

Concept of democracy in Islam

democracy in Islam


1. Islam is against the rule of one man over the others.
2.Main mission of Prophet S.A.W was to relieve human beings from oppression and worshipping self-made gods. Make them bound to a system of life full of justice where a human being was neither the worshipper nor the worshipped but all human beings obey one God (ALLAH).
3. ALLAH is the supreme authority and others are his subjects.
4. Khilafat is the foundation of democracy in Islam.
5. No non-Muslim can be appointed as Ameer or Head of state.

      What is the status and character of democracy in Islam?

some people label apparent forms of Islamic system as democracy while others are keen to prove anything which becomes popular to be present in Islam and feel that they are doing great service to the religion.
This state of affairs is not acceptable at any cost. It needs to carry out a literary research to ascertain the actual political concept of Islam. This must be borne in mind that Islam does not constitute of a few actions brought together or of disintegrate ideas but it is a regular system based on solid principles.
From the pillars of Islam upto the minute details have a logical link with its basic principles.
It will be seen that the rout cause of all the troubles in the world is rule of one man over the other directly or indirectly.
This is the main cause of deprivation of human beings and is a spiritualness,literary and imaginative powers, civilization,social and political aspects and even his humanity like a weevil.
This was the basic reform carried out by the Holy Prophets S.A.W.
They had been sent to abolish the rule of one man over the others.
Their main mission was to relieve human beings from oppression and worshipping self-made gods and make them bound to a system of life full of justice where a human being is neither the worshipper nor the worshipped but all human beings obey one God (ALLAH).
The system of human life evolved by the Prophets S.A.W and the political concept of Islam is based on this very doctrine.


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