The word Islam also mean "entering into Salam". Salam signifies "peace" This word is used in the Qur'an in the sense of "peace". The name of ALLAH's Deen as presented in the Qur'an is "Islam" and the name given to the people who follow Islam is "Muslim".

Women in Islam

The Muslim women lead a chaste, virtuous , exalting and respectable life rather than of dissatisfaction and discontentment. Islam has afforded her the happy home and peaceful life. They are free from worry and competition with men in the field and securing employment,in the factories and business centres. Thus They enjoy reverence and genuine domestic peace.

Concept of democracy in Islam

The entire creation obeys the laws of Allah,hence the whole universe, literally, follows the religion of "ISLAM". It is due to this fact that Islam signifies nothing but obedience and submission to Allah, the Rabb of the Universe. The sun the heat , stones trees, ocean, mountains animals, birds, insects etc., are all thus "Muslim because they obey Allah by their obedience to His laws.

Social System of Islam

Generally Islam demands a society which is universal, pure of artificial controversies, devoid of prejudices sans cast, creed, colour, land and language, boundary-less at par, collectively justified, having global brotherhood, unique thinking same moral grounds, law abiding people, mutual sympathy, humanity and emotions for helping others with one's wealth and health.

What is The Islam and Emaan (Faith)?

Every Learned Person Knows that all the religions have condemned immorality and have laid great stress on chastity. Islam, being the Divine Religion, has laid immense emphasis upon purity, modesty and morality.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Arabic To Urdu Online Dictionaries

Arabic Dictionaries

Reason :

Before Some Days I was busy in giving a linguistic Training course, which is known as A-T-T-C (Arabic Teacher Training course).

Importance :

The importance of Arabic can not be denied. As a Muslim we are not be able to access with our holy books, basic jurisprudence, Laws and other religious necessities until we have enough knowledge of Arabic.
Arabic is living language and it is spoken by a large numbers of people in Middle East as well as in other countries.
it is our identity by referring it to our history culture and heroes.
It is enough to say that it is talking of Allah which is existed in formation of Quran, and as a language of our prophet S.A.W and peoples who will be qualified for heaven.

So it is closely related with every Muslim.
However there is not enough attention paid on Arabic in Pakistan as it should to be، yet many Islamic institutes are trying to improve this diminution.

When I was teaching, i faced this problem that if i forgot meaning of a word or translation of a phrase i really needed a resource where i could find I searched online but could not find a batter solution, There was some translators like Google babylon they were helpful but not as i needed so i thought about it.

Finally I decided to resolve this issue and i collected all dictionaries in one page so anyone can easily find his meaning in less time.
I provided also download links.

Note: if you want to find a meaning of a word from ancient Arabic i suggest you to find it in المنجد

And if you are seeking a translation of a modern Arabic word or daily used phrases you should find it in القاموس الجدید

in the end i am sorry for my English weakness but if you find my post helpful pray for me.

The best dictionaries in my view are as under..

Arabic to Urdu

1. المنجد

There are about 75000 words with there Urdu meanings are collected.

Arabic to Urdu online Dictionary
المنجد عربی سے اردو

Read online Click here

2. مصباح اللغات

In this dictionary about 50000 Arabic words with Urdu meanings are included.
Arabic To Urdu Translation online
مصباح اللغات
Read online Click here

3. القاموس الجدید

It is best for all modern words
Arabic to Urdu meanings online
القاموس الجدید
Read online Click here

Friday, 21 February 2014

بچوں کا اسلام شمارہ 606 (Urdu)

Bachon Ka Islam Magazine (606)

The Best Islamic Magazine for Kids with moral stories.
Edited by Ishtiyaq Ahmed The famous Novelist and Editor. 

(زواج اسلامي) Marriage in Islam

Concept of marriage in Islam

Marriage in Islam
The most restrictive regulations of Islam are those relating to Nikah (marriage), which institution is in fact, the basic principle of human civilization. Nikah is a Contract in law that regulates a generative relationship between man and woman, and places the lineage of their progeny on a firm basis and creates civil rights and obligations between them.

What is نکاح or زواج?

The Arabic word Nikah literally means "Joining together."

Nikah in the Qur'an:

Nikah in Qur'an has been described as hasan, i.e. fort, meaning "the protection offered to the honour and modesty of the couple."

Importance of marriage in Islam:

Allah recommends for the total marriage of mankind. The Qur'an refers to this fact in 24:32-33 which reads: And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and female slaves. If they be poor, Allah will grant them means out of His bounty; and Allah is Bountiful, Knower. And those who find no means of marriage should keep themselves chaste until Allah grant them means out of His bounty."

Hadith also lays equal stress upon living in a married state. The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH is reported to have said (Bukhari) to certain people who talked of fasting in the day time and keeping awake during the night, offering Salat and keeping away from marriage: "I keep a taste and I break it, and I offer Salat and I sleep, and I am married, so whoever inclines to any other way than my Sunnah, he is not of me."

Another saying of the Prophet in Bukhari laying stress upon marriage is worded thus: "O! assembly of the people! whoever of you has the means to support a wife, he should get married, for this (marriage) is the best means of keeping the looks cast down and guarding the chastity; and he who has not the means, let him keep fast, for this acts as castration."

Another hadith says: Celibacy (Single or unmarried life)  is severely forbidden by the Prophet.

According to another hadith: " The man who marries perfects half of his religion." Still another hadith says:
"Matrimonial alliances increase friendship more than anything else.

Muslim marriage rules:

Islam rejects free-love, birth-control, family planning, and all such other unlawful plans to lessen the number of people for fear shortage of food.

The Quran in 6:152 and 17:31 says:
"And do not kill your children for fear of poverty; it is We who provide for you and for them." And do not kill your children for fear of poverty; it is We Who give sustenance to them and yourselves, Surely the killing of them is a great sin."

Monday, 17 February 2014

Islam Prohibits all vices

Islam Prohibits all vices viz. wine , gambling.

The Quran prohibits intoxicants in 5:90 thus : "O you who believe! intoxicants and games of chance, and sacrificing to set up stones, and the diving arrows, are only uncleanness, the Saten's work. So shun each one of them that you may be successful."
Islam prohibits Drugs

The Hadith also prohibits wine and other intoxicants. Al-Bukhari in 64:61 says: " As wine is prohibited on account of its intoxication, it is stated in a hadith that every intoxicant is prohibited. Drugs, like Bhang  (CannabisHashish,  opium, tobacco, cigarettes,Huqqa (Narghile) Naswar (Snuff)  and all other intoxicating thing are, therefore, also forbidden.

There is a hadith (M.38 : 3) according to which one Tariq bin suwaid was ordered by the Prophet not to make wine, and when he said that he made it to be used as a medicine, the Prophet replied that it was not a medicine but a disease.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Speech of my uncle on Jummah (Urdu)

Speech of my uncle on Jummah

Hazrat Molana Qazi Fiyyoz ur Rehman Al-Madani is not only my Uncle but also my Teacher and like my father.
My Uncle has Graduated from Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi and also studied 8 year from Jamia Islamiyah Madinah Munawarah Kingdom of Saudia Arabia and got PHD in in Islamic jurisprudence.
Currently he is a District Khateeb of Hazarah.
 Also he is Teaching in our Islamic Institute Jamia Makhzan ul Uloom Khalilia.

This is his Speech of Jummah at Haripur.
اسباب خیر و شر
Must listen I'll upload video soon.
Listen full audio Please.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

The institution of Zakat and Prohibition of Interest in Islam

The institution of Zakat and Prohibition of Interest in Islam

Definition of Zakat:

Give ZakatThe Arabic word "Zakat" assumes vast meaning. It means "purification: growth: giving better part of a thing."
Zakat creates Islamic brotherhood of the whole of the world.
By establishing the system of Zakat, Allah desires to prepare a society among the Muslims themselves which surpasses in fellow- feeling and Islamic brotherhood. The giving and taking of the Zakat develops the society on a sound footing of love.

Allah enumerates countless blessings for the Muslims both in this world and the hereafter who pay Zakat, but for these people who do not pay Zakat, there are horrible torments of Fire for them, as described in the Qur'an.

Zakat is the pivot and hub of the Islamic finance. It covers moral, social and economic spheres. In the moral sphere Zakat washes away greed and selfishness of rich. In social sphere Zakat acts as unique measure vouchsafed by Islam to abolish poverty from the society by making the rich alive to the social responsibilities they have. In economic sphere, Zakat prevents the accumulation of wealth in a few hands and diffuses before it assumes threatening proportions in the hands of its possessors.

At numerous places in the Qur'an, Zakat has been associated  with Salat. 
The Qur'an categorically states that whoever wants to enter the brotherhood of Islam, shall have to establish regular Salat and pay Zakat regularly. Both are equally fundamental in importance.

The heads of expenditure of Zakat which have been clearly mentioned in the Qur'an are :

Nisab e Zakat
(1) disbursement in the aid of poor, and destitute and the disabled;
(2) to help winning the hearts;
(3) to help the needy;
(4) to help the debtor;
(5) to free slaves;
(6) to travellers, especially those who travel in the cause of Allah, who have run short of money.

Nisab of Zakat:

There is a Nisab of Zakat. Zakat is an annual charge on property which remains in the possessions of a person for a whole year, when its value reaches a certain limit called "Nisab".
Nisab differs with different kinds of property. But generally it is one-fortieth of a thing, animal or money.

Prohibition of Interest:

Allah in the Qur'an 2:275-277 says: "Those who take interest on their money do not rise except as rises one whom Satan has smitten with insanity. This is because they say: Trade is also like interest; whereas Allah has made trade lawful and made interest unlawful. So he to whom an admonition comes from his Rabb and he desists, then will that which he received in the past be his, and his affairs is with Allah. And those who revert to it, they are the inmates of the Fire; therein they shall abide. And Allah abolishes interest and causes Zakat to increase. And Allah does not like anyone who is a confirmed disbeliever and an arch-sinner. Surely those who believe and do good deeds, and establish Salat and pay Zakat, shall have their reward from their Rabb, and they shall have no fear, nor they shall have any grief."
The Qur'an cites examples of nations and individuals, which were destroyed and erased from the globe of the world, on account of their indulging in interest.

The Hadith also lays equal stress on the prohibition of interest.

The prophet Muhammad (Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) with inspired insight diagnosed the harm and misery caused by the wretched group of money-leaders and enjoined the Muslims not to lend money on interest. This is certainly one of the wisest of economic laws. A Hadith says that four persons, viz.
the money lender the person who takes money on interest, the writer of money-lending bargain and the witness, all shall be thrown into the Fire (Hell).

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Concern for the Hereafter

Concern for the Hereafter in Islam

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
If you were to ask a pedestrian on the road" Where are you coming from and where are you going?" and he annoy us and cannot give us an answer then you will think that he is crazy. Yet in our lives, we are guilty of practically the same heedlessness. We too are neither aware of our beginning, nor are we concerned about our end. We cannot live forever in this world. The death will come to us some day and we will left alone in a Horrible, dark grave. Our house, buildings, business, Money and all luxuries things will all be left behind.
The people who Claim to love us so much will bury us under a mound of earth, leaving us alone.

It will be a start of other world, the grave is the door to the other world. The day is fast-approaching when every one will be presented before Allah in a state where there will be complete silence and no one will be able to speak except the Lord of the worlds. This day, only truth will carry any weight and other than this everything will become inconsequential. This will be the day of Judgement and only death stands between us and this day all of us are steadily moving towards an outcome where we will have either eternal happiness or perpetual punishment.

Every moment that passes bring us even closer to that final outcome which will be the fate of each one of us, we will have to face the repercussions of our deeds in this relatively short life for an eternity.
While the comforts of the hereafter are very pleasurable, as the Prophet PBNUH said:

"A (small) place equal to an area occupied by a whip in paradise is better than the (whole) world and whatever is in it." (BUKHARI)
its discomforts are indeed very painful. The Prophet S.A.W said:

"The least tormented of the inhabitants of the fire would be he who would wear two shoes of fire and his brain would boil an account of the heat of the shoes" (Muslim)

The similitude of our life is that of an ice vendor whose capital is dwindling away very moment.
The only only way he can save himself from loss is to try to sell the ice before it melts; otherwise he will have nothing to show for his efforts and will have to return from the market empty-handed. So before death overtakes us and separates us permanently from this world which is the place for action and takes us to a place where there is only the outcome of our actions; it is necessary for us to focus on putting our abilities and resources to correct use.

Consciously or unconsciously, people think this world to be the place of measuring their success or failure. In the Qur'an we are told that this is merely a deception.
" The day that He assembles you (all) for a day of Assembly that will be a day of mutual loss and gain (among you)" (9:64)

This will be an intensely terrifying moment of a person's life and when it comes, a person will be horrified at seeing himself in a situation so contrary to his expectations. Suddenly he will realise that the life of the world which he thought was the only reality was nothing but a deception. He had thought that that he was free to do whatever he wanted, but in the end he found himself himself to be totally helpless. He had thought himself to be wealthy, but in fact, in the hereafter, he was empty handed; he had thought that he was powerful, but in fact in God's sight, he was weaker than a fly or mosquito. In this world he had thought he had the support of so many people, but there he was totally on his own.

Oh! Man is unaware if that reality with which he should be most familiar!

whatever a person wishes to do for his Hereafter is to be done in this very life itself. We do not know how much or little period of our lives we have left. How many people have we seen who have passed away before our eyes!
Hereafter in Islam
This life is all we have, and if we lose this opportunity, unlike the exams of this world there will be no second chance! There is an absolute finality about this life because every moment that passes away, passes away never to return again.
Allah says in Qur'an:
Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the day of Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the fire and admitted to the garden will have attained the object (of life): for the life of this world is but goods and and chattels of deception(3:185)
This is an invitation to ponder on the reality of life. We earnestly request you to read it repeatedly and give it serious thought as we are sure that each one of you wants to be successful. It is also worth remembering that living Islam not only improves your Hereafter, but also the quality of your life in this very world.
Allah says in Qur'an:
Whoever works righteousness man or woman and has faith, verily to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions."

I quoted it from an Pamphlet Named Concern for the Hereafter in the Light of Qur'an and Sunnah 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Law of inheritance in Islam

Social Order of Islam (Islamic Law of inheritance)In the light of Qur'an:Islam divides property between males and females, where man usually gets double than woman. The distribution of property among males or females, sounds the financial position of both the groups. The Qur'an takes up this subject in Surat-un-Nisa The Qur'an in 4:7-13 and 127 says:"For men is a share of that which parents and near relations leave; and for women too is a share of that which parents and near relations leave, whether it be little or much, a determined share.""And when other relation of orphans and the poor are present at the division of the heritage, give them something there from and speak to them words of kindness. And let those who fear Allah, who, if they leave behind them their own weak offspring, would be anxious for them. Let them, therefore, fear Allah and let them say the right words. Surely they who devour the property of orphans unjustly, only swallow fire into their bellies, and they shall burn in a blazing fire.Allah commands you (O mankind) concerning your children: A male shall have as much as the share of two females; if there be females only numbering more than two, then they shall have two-thirds of what the deceased leaves; and if there be one, she shall have the half. And his parents shall have each of them a sixth of the inheritance, if he has a child; but if he has no child and his parents be his heirs, then his mother shall have a third; and if he has brothers and sisters then his mother shall have a sixth, after the payments of any bequests he may have bequeathed or of debt. Your father and your children, you do not know which of them is nearest to you in benefit. This fixing of portions is from Allah. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, wise. And you shall have half of that which your wives leave if they have no child; but if they have a child then you shall have a fourth of that which they have, after the payment of any bequest they may have bequeathed or of debt. And they shall have a fourth of that which you leave, if you have no child; but if you have a child, then they shall have an eight of that which you leave, after the payment of any bequests you may have bequeathed or of debt. And if there is a man or a woman whose heritage is to be divided and he or she has neither parent nor a child, and he or she has brother or a sister, then each one of them shall have a sixth. But if they be more than that, then they shall be equal sharer in one-thirds, after the payment of any bequests which may have been bequeathed or of debt, without prejudice to the debt. This is an injunction from Allah and Allah is The Knowing, Forbearer.These are the Limits set by Allah and whoever obeys Allah and His Prophet He will make him enter into Gardens through which streams flow; therein they shall live; and that is a great and supreme success. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Prophet and transgresses His limits. He will make him enter into Fire; therein shall he abide, and he shall have a humiliating punishment."They Ask you, (O! Prophet) for instructions. Say : Allah gives you (O! mankind) His instructions concerning Kalala. If a man dies leaving no child and he has a sister, then she shall have of what he leaves; and he shall inherit her if she has no child. But if there be two sisters, then they shall have two-thirds of what he leaves. And if the heirs be brethren, both men and women then the male shall have as much as the portion of two females. Allah explains this to you (O! mankind) lest you go astray. And Allah knows all things well."

Thursday, 6 February 2014

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)

The Social Order of Islam (Introduction.)


Allah created mankind and gave them social order as contained in the only true religion of Islam.
Islam guides the whole mankind for success both in this world and the hereafter.
This has been its function from the very First Prophet (Adam) of mankind to the Last Prophet (Muhammad) of mankind.

The sphere of Islam apart from seeking success in the next world, is strongly concerned with success in this very worldly life. It deals not only with the ways of devotion, with the forms of worship of Allah, with the means which make man attain communion with Allah, but also, and in greater detail, with the problems of the world around man questions of relations of marriage and divorce, inheritance of property and the divisions of wealth, payment of Zakat among poor, the relations between labour and capital, the administration of justice, military organisation, peace and war, national finance, debts and contracts, rules for the support of the poor, the orphan and the widow, and countless other questions, the understanding of which enables man to lead to happy life. It lays down rules not only for individual progress but also for the advancement of society as a whole, of the nation and even of the whole human race.

Islam mainly prepares man for the hereafter, but only through making him capable of holding his own in this very world. Islam enjoins man's complete submission and obedience to Allah.....not only in belief and mode of Worship, but in ethics and morality, in culture and social behaviour, in politics and laws, in economic and social set up, and in all the individual, national and international affairs of man alike.

Islam is a comprehensive concept of life. It establishes firm relations between man and man and between man and Allah. It regulates both right though and right action that brings forth success both in this temporary world and the next everlasting world. A righteous man seeks success in both worlds in these  worlds in these words (Al-Qur'an 2:200): 
"Our Rabb! grant us good in this very world as well as good in the world to come, and protect us from the torment of Fire."

Sahih Bukhari (Arabic with English)

Sahih Bukhari (Arabic with English)

Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh).

Bukhari (full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin al-Mughira al-Ja'fai) was born in 194 A.H. and died in 256 A.H. His collection of hadeeth is considered second to none. He spent sixteen years compiling it, and ended up with 2,602 hadeeth (9,082 with repetition). His criteria for acceptance into the collection were amongst the most stringent of all the scholars of ahadeeth.
Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has several books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth are numbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve to group Ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose the numbering.

Free Download here

Seerat-e-Halbia (Urdu)

Seerat-e-Halbia  سیرت حلبیۃ

This is a comprehensive and authoritative Book in Seerat e Nabvi. I had read this book when I was a Little boy, I was lover of Biography of our Prophet. I had read about a 50 books on This Topic.
This Book was my most favourite Book. Its called The mother of all Biographic Books which written on The Biography of our Prophet.
This Book has many parts You can read it Completely online as you can download.

Seerat halbia

For Reading Online.

For Download Completely.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The way of life (specially for youth)

The way of succeeding in this world

Majority of people do not consider Islam as a way of life, but treat it like a "religion", and that is why instead of teaching Islam as a way of life, we are still teaching Islam as "Islamiyat". Instead of Islamization  of modern knowledge many of the scholars of the past and even present continued teaching it as "Islamiyat". Due to this fact, slowly and gradually Islam got pushed back from the front office to the back office and with this, Deen and Duniya became two different truths.
The generation that emerged due to this blunder forgot that the Deen came for Duniya (i.e. World). Deen is the way of life, the way of succeeding in this world, then how could it either be excluded or be separated from the world?.

Don't you hear all that slogans, that "let's keep the Islam out of politics" , or "what Islam has to do with medicine" and " at present, our challenge is to make our children successful in this world, and later on what they will have achieved it, then we will think of becoming successful for the life hereafter".
All these comments and many others are due to the very same reason that Islam was and even at present is being taught as a subject and not as a way of life. Islam is the way of life and success.

The society divided among " extremists" and "moderates". Extremists coming from seminaries without the knowledge of the modern world called the educated people materialists and denounced their worldly success as evil. To them, a true Muslim is poor, orthodox, lazy and bearded, lives on charity and shuttles between home and mosque.
To them good office clean houses, hygienic food, TV, Internet, modern books, suits are all signs of evil.

The other segment that calls itself " moderate" is the other extreme. To them, Islam is the religion of orthodox people and offering a prayer or two or reading Qur'an occasionally is good enough. To them, life is all about having fun, building houses, accumulating wealth by hook or crook and wasting  it on trifles, visiting shrines and going for pilgrimage, and once in a while arranging Qur'an recital at home. They are more into rituals than practice. They may have tremendous knowledge about the world but no knowledge about true Islam. Many of them might even not read Qur'an.

These are two Extremes; one cut off from this world and the other from the world hereafter. No sensible person will buy aither of these. Islam is all about balance. No escape, it is about living this life following the guidelines Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH hand out.
In the words of Qur'an:
 "Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced that might be witnesses over the nations (2:143)"

Muslims are a nation that in the words of Qur'an was sent to lead the world
" Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the people of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (3:110)

How can Muslim provide leadership to others if they cannot even fix their own lives? Why would this world follow Muslims, if their system, Islam, did not help them succeed? Young generation need answers to these questions.
History is witness that Islam spread throughout the world and Muslims became role models for all other civilizations by proving the superiority of their social, economic and political system. West owes to Islam and Muslims its civilization, including culture, music, geography, mathematics, physics, algebra, medicine construction, architects, literature, philosophy and engineering.

Suffice is to say, there is not a single Islamic country that can present itself as a role model for the West. Now instead of leading the world, Muslims are following others. They have lost track. With the dawn of the new century, when the modern world is talking about a New world Order, they are busy protecting and strengthening their own power bases and leaving fellow Muslims in the lurch.
Well I am sorry for this emotional speech. All I am saying is that Islam has everything to do with this modern world of ours.

Monday, 3 February 2014

آپ کے مسائل اور انکا حل by Molana Yosuf Ludhiyanvi

Aap Ka Masail or Unka Hal.

Author: Molana Yosuf Ludhiyanvi shaheed.
Categorises: Fatawas.

This book is the easiest way to solve our Religious Issue by reading it. In this book Most Issues related with Modern age has resolved. I think this is the easy way to solve our religious Problems which we face every day about our religion and we should have Command on Essential Islamic Rules.

There are Two version of this Book old and new
I am posting Both here for free download.

New version

    Vol: 1     Vol:2           Vol:3            Vol:4          Vol:5                   Vol:6               Vol:7            Vol:8

Old Version

Part 1 [10] Part 2 [9] Part 3 [9] Part 4 [6] Part 5 [9] 

Part 6 [9] Part 7 [9] Part 8 [10] Part 9 [8] Part 10 [10]

Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband (Urdu) full

Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband (Urdu) full

Fatawa mean Collection of solved Questions which asked by people about their religious Issues.
This fatawa is a Big collection of those solved Issues which asked from Darul Ifta in Jamia Darul Uloom Deoband India. After It collected and Published by Great Scholars.
You can solve your Questions by reading this.

Download in PDF formate Complete 4 Volumes:

    Vol.1       Vol.2        Vol.3          Vol.4

Speech on Serat ul nabi by Tariq Jameel

Speech on Serat ul nabi by Tariq Jameel

Topic Seerat ul Nabi.
Place : Edward Medical College
Emotional Speech Must Watch.

Speech About Ulama by Tariq Jameel Sahib

Speech About Heaven by Tariq Jameel Sahib Part 2

Beautiful Speech by Tariq jameel sahib about Ulamah e kiram. and The situation of Muslims during these Period.
Topic:       Ulama or unki Khidmaat
On the Death of Molana Sarfaraz khan Safdar sahib

Speech About Muslim affairs by Tariq Jameel Sahib

Speech About Heaven by Tariq Jameel Sahib

Beautiful Speech by Tariq jameel sahib about Ulamah e kiram. and The situation of Muslims during these Period.
Topic:       Ulama or unki Khidmaat
On the Death of Molana Sarfaraz khan Safdar sahib

A Speech by Molana Tariq Jameel specially for Girls (Urdu)

A Speech by Molana Tariq Jameel specially for Girls

My favourite speaker is Molana Tariq Jameel sahib. I was finding a speech which is about women so Today I found it and going to show you here. I got it from Tune.Pk

AN Emotional Speech by Tariq Jameel (Urdu)

AN Emotional Speech by Tariq Jameel (Urdu)

Beautiful speech with heart touching voice of Molana Tariq Jameel Sahib Please Must watch it.

Bible se Quran Tak (Urdu) (English)

بائبل سے قران تک

The Book written by Hazrat Mufti Taqi usmani which is very useful for christens. In this Book authors Described some realities about Bible which was hidden by Priests. This Book has many Proof that All previous Books was Distorted by their holders. I am going to show this book specially for my Dear #Gary Hendricks  it will help and guide him correctly. I'll search its translation in English but now 
I have Urdu version. No I have found Its English version Read and enjoy I am posting both version.

English Version Name What is Christianity?

Download here
Download here

Urdu Version Bible se Quran Tak

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Human Rights In Islam


Human Rights In Islam

All people are equal in their birth and they have equal rights.


(79:24) I' am your Lord, Most High" the proclamation of Pharaoh is the root cause of the usurpation and denial of human rights. This is the desire of all dictators, oppressors, suppressor,suppresses, exploiters and usurpers. This is the source of all usurpation, oppression suppression, exploitation and injustice. The persons who have this desire take the place of a God (ilah) and (Rabb) deprive others of their rights.
This desire cannot be fulfilled without depriving people of their social, political, economic and other rights.
This desire is the source of negation of all civil liberties.

       This is the source to deprive by governments persons of their lives and liberties, their detention in custody without information and lawful authority, denial of the right to consult and be defended by a legal practitioner of choice.

       This is the source of slavery, forced  labour, traffic in human beings compulsory service of cruel nature or incompatible with human dignity, retrospective punishment, double punishment and self-incrimination, viol-ability of the dignity of man,negation of freedom of movement freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom trade, business or profession, freedom of speech, freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions  and negation of equality of citizens.

               The Qura'n cites examples from history of persons who in their desire to become Ilah and Rabb of others usurped their rights.

                  Namrud, Pharaoh and Shaddad in the ancient times and Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and their coterie in the beginning of Islam, the Kings and the Monarchs in later period, deprived people of their rights particularly their political rights.

              Man is present as a bureaucratic despot, oppressor and a means of high handedness, cruel, unjust, authoritative, harsh, tyrannical to crush and trample down or subdue and overpower the weak and to weigh heavily on the mind of the people.


In this background Islam teaches (al ilah) which means none among the creature is God. A believer in Islam should Renunciation all means of despotism, oppression, suppression, exploitation and injustice which lead to usurpation and deprivation of people of their human rights.


     With the negation of all semi-gods Islam teaches (illa ALLAH) surrender and submission only to Allah Almighty. What does it mean? It means that the human rights should flow from the Will of Allah who is the most Merciful; the Most compassionate the Sustainer, the Forgiver. Allah is the Creator of all people, who are equal in birth and have equal rights and opportunities.


    The principle of equality of the entire humanity has been given top priority in the Qur'an after the glory and greatness of Allah:

                      "O Mankind! reverence your Guardian Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, his mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women."

It shows that belief in (illa ALLAH) means complete equality of all people which is source of their equal political, social and economic rights. These verses ordain that all laws, customs and practices which are in consonance with La ilah and are repugnant to illa ALLAH must be struck down and all laws, customs and practices must conform to illa Allah.


      Right to live is on top of all fundamental human rights. Islam surpasses all religions and philosophies in safeguarding lives and liberties of the entire humanity. Murder of one person has been equated with the murder of the entire humanity.

      Says the Quran:

                             "If anyone slew a person, unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew the whole people  (chapter 5:35)."

Depriving one person of his life is equal to the murder of the whole people. All persons are an integrated body. Whosoever injures or cuts a part of the body, he causes its bleeding and its destruction.
It is humiliation, disgrace, dishonour, shame infamy, ignominy and odium of the entire humanity, lowering its pride and dignity. The verse makes the entire humanity responsible to fall upon the murder like one hand so that he meets his fate and the humanity takes necessary measures to protect and safeguard the lives of all fellow human being.

      Protection and safeguard of one life has been equated in the Quran with giving life to the entire humanity:
         "And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people,"

In this verse word Nafs is important. It is a common noun and includes both the genders, male and female. There is no distinction of life of a Muslim and a non-Muslim. They have been equated in dignity, status, honour and respect. Female members of humanity enjoy equal rights. In one sense the female who has been buried alive has been given special status. She would be given the right and power to ask the one who buried her alive, under what authority he had committees the cruelty the Quran says:

          "When the female buried alive, is questioned for what crime she was killed?"

Right of food:

Food is the basic necessity of life; hence fundamental human right. Islam gives basic important to the livelihood of all people.
Equal right of food to all human beings is enshrined in the following verse of Quran:

                "He set on the earth, Mountains standing firm, high above it. And bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured there in all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four days, equal to the needs of those who seek( sustenance)"

This spiritual, ethical and moral right of equal nourishment and sustenance was the fundamental and basic principle of Islamic economics and was given a formal legal and administrative shape in the Quranic Chapter Al-Hashr No 59.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Baheshti-zewar (Urdu)

Behashti Zewar

Islamic Fiqah Book Specially for muslim women who wish to know about Islamic affairs like pray , Ablution, Charity and the other Rules of Islam. This Book is very helpful for my Muslim sisters and mothers after the reading completely this Book they will able to solve their religious problems and can do all Actions correctly.
This Book is written by Ashraf Ali thanvi the famous Religious scholar and the writer of more then thousand books.

You can read this Book online for free,

Thursday, 30 January 2014

The Legacy of the Scholars(ENG) by Taqi Usmani YouTube Speech

The Legacy of the Scholars from the Subcontinent(ENGLISH)

This is my great Teacher and Greatest scholar of Islam Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani Hafiza ullah.

About The Speaker:

Mufti Taqi Usmani
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani was born in 1943 in Deoband, India. He is the son of the late Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the former Grand Mufti of Pakistan. He obtained his Takhassus degree (an advanced degree equivalent to Ph.D.) in Islamic education from Darul Uloom Karachi, the largest and most renowned Islamic educational institution in Pakistan. He also obtained a Master's degree in Arabic literature from Punjab University, and a law degree (LLB) from Karachi University. He is regarded as an expert in the fields of Hadith (sacred traditions of the Holy Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Economics, and Tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality). He has been teaching these and other branches of Islamic education since 1959. He served as Judge of the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan from 1982 to May 2002. He is also a permanent member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy, an organ of OIC based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He has served as the Vice Chairman of the Academy for nine years. He is also the Vice President of Darul Uloom Karachi. He is generally known as one of the leading Shariah scholars active in the field of Islamic finance. For more than a decade he has served as chairman or member of Shariah supervisory boards of a dozen Islamic banks and financial institutions in various parts of the world. He presently serves as Chairman of the International Shariah Council for the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) in Bahrain. He has held many positions in the higher echelons of the education sector of Pakistan and has participated in numerous commissions set up by the government of Pakistan in the field of education and economics. Since 1967, he's been the Chief Editor of the monthly Urdu-language magazine "Albalagh", and since 1990, he's been Chief Editor of the monthly English-language magazine "Albalagh International." He has also contributed articles to leading Pakistani newspapers on a range of issues. He has authored more than 60 books in Arabic, English, and Urdu.

A Poem in the Glory of Hazrat Ayesha( Urdu,Arabic) YouTube)

A Beautiful Poem in the Glory of Hazrat Ayesha

This poem related with some Quranic verses and also Adapted from Hadith in the Glory of Hazrat Umm ul Momineen Ayesha R.A. It describes of  that how Allah revealed many verses of her glory when Munafiqeen Slandered.

Awesome Poem.

Singer Mufti Anas Yonus.

Hijrat-E-Nabwi by Anas Yonus (urdu,YouTube)


by Mufti Anas Yonus:

In this heart touching poem the poet described the situation of Hijrat e Nabi That how was it too difficult and how Muslims left their home and went to Madinah... This is related with Seerat e Muhammad S.A.W.....
The moral of this is we should not forget about our past history and follow them foot by foot.

Mere Nabi Pyaare Nabi by Junaid Jamshed(YouTube)

Mere Nabi Pyaare Nabi by Junaid Jamshed

During these days Every one is much busy in his life Specially Muslims they forgot their aims, their rules, their religion and also their prophets doings and sayings. In this poem Junaid mentioned us that successful man who follows the traditions of  its prophet saying and who spend his life according to his religion.

Muhammad Ka Roza

محمد کا روضہ قریب آرہا ہے

I think this is the first poem singed by Junaid Jamshed when He started his Career as a Islamic singer and immediately became a popular as he was in his past. After the Great changing he selected  the right path and achieved the success of this world as well as hereafter. Now he is busy in preaching Islam.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Islamic Rules for Society

Basic systems of Islam

1. Concept of responsibility:
2. Mutual Relationship of members of family:
3. Relationship:
4. Mosque:
5. Respected Traditions
6. Education System:
7. Limits and legal Codes:

Concept of Responsibility:
Islam gives the concept of fulfilling some responsibilities to propagate good deeds, to deter evil deeds and to help each other.
The Holy prophet Said “that the man who lives among others and shows patience on the misdeeds done to him by others is better than that that does not live among the people and is not patient over excesses done him”.
After these instructions Islam has also given a system of basic human rights which includes rights of brothers, family members, relative’s neighbours, common men and minorities.
Even the rights of animals and plants are determined in Islamic system.
After the brief comprehension of Islam's different systems it is must to know that what are those rules and regulations which Islam has authorized to develop a society. 

Some of these are discussed briefly as under.

Mutual Relationship of members of family:

Islamic Pictures
Family is the first and basic institution of human social training. That's why the importance of a family in Islamic society is very great. First step of Islamic society is the formation of a family which is a pure and legitimate relation between a man and woman. This relation makes a unity within itself.
Here a new generation comes into being and many other relations are also generated. Finally all these relations spread over to form a complete society.

In other words a family trains a man and prepares him for the next future of the family. And Islam also wants to develop this institution of good men of society.


There are much more in the family stock to deal with: kin and kith outside one's family. Islam wants to see all these to share each other's sorrows and happiness. In Qur'an there are many places where emphasis is laid upon good behaviour towards relatives. But it does not mean that there should be encouragement against Islam and its traditions. Islam has also set hereditary rules to strengthen the existing relations.


Beautiful Mosque
Mosque is symbol of unity among Muslims and it reflects the tone of existing relations. It also works as a permanent institution for the social ties. It is only Mosque which can make Islamic social plan successful.

Respected Traditions:

In an Islamic Society the sacred traditions must be guarded at all costs and the policy must also be framed upon these lines because this process does not break its links with its past.
But it is not meant for that no new tradition will be set up. The fast changes in routine life automatically change the boring traditions. There is no need of change via revolution or revolt.

Education system:

The real reformation of Islamic society is only possible through its education policy, because to transfer ones traditions and knowledge ones must ponder over the faults of their education policy. Education is also one of the greatest pillars of Islamic Society.

Limits and legal Codes:

Islamic Law
There are many ways to cope with evils and good of any society but rules and regulations to curb the evil-doers are also must. Islam also has such system with proper rules and regulations. These rules are made to save the citizens from evildoers and sinners. Islam has set particular penalties and punishments to deal bad elements with an iron hand.
        No one is greater or smaller in the eyes of Islamic Law.

The Holy Prophet S.A.W once said “If my daughter steals something, by God I will cut her hands too"